A Godly Influence
Being a godly influence means helping others understand who Jesus is, it means helping them grow in the Word, and encouraging them to make God honoring choices. To be such a person, we must have strong conviction, solid commitment, and steady courage.
In order to have a godly impact on others, we must first be convinced that Scripture is true; that the Bible is the inspired, and infallible Word of God. That there is absolutely no mistakes to be found in the Bible. That so-called discrepancies are just things we do not understand yet. (2 Timothy 3:16) Second the true God, the God of the Bible, is triune in nature; that is, God is Three-in-One. God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, and each member is fully divine. (Matthew 28:19) Third eternal life is received only through faith in Christ alone--there is no other way. (John 14:6) Salvation cannot be earned, even by good works. (Ephesians 2:8-10) And fourth Jesus will one day return for those who belong to Him, and He will take them with Him to heaven. (John 14:2-3) But unbelievers will remain under divine wrath. John 3:36)
A good Old Testament example of conviction, commitment, and courage is Daniel. He knew the biblical prohibition against eating meat offered to idols. As a captive in Babylon, he faced a dilemma. Since his meals were first offered to idols, he had to decide whether to obey God's law and risk punishment from men, or adopt Babylonian ways and displease the Lord. Daniel believed, and obeyed what the Scriptures said, and God granted him favor. Our Father is also pleased with us when we trust in His Word. Child of God how firm are your convictions? You need firm convictions to be a godly influence. You think about that.
In order to have a godly impact on others, we must first be convinced that Scripture is true; that the Bible is the inspired, and infallible Word of God. That there is absolutely no mistakes to be found in the Bible. That so-called discrepancies are just things we do not understand yet. (2 Timothy 3:16) Second the true God, the God of the Bible, is triune in nature; that is, God is Three-in-One. God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, and each member is fully divine. (Matthew 28:19) Third eternal life is received only through faith in Christ alone--there is no other way. (John 14:6) Salvation cannot be earned, even by good works. (Ephesians 2:8-10) And fourth Jesus will one day return for those who belong to Him, and He will take them with Him to heaven. (John 14:2-3) But unbelievers will remain under divine wrath. John 3:36)
A good Old Testament example of conviction, commitment, and courage is Daniel. He knew the biblical prohibition against eating meat offered to idols. As a captive in Babylon, he faced a dilemma. Since his meals were first offered to idols, he had to decide whether to obey God's law and risk punishment from men, or adopt Babylonian ways and displease the Lord. Daniel believed, and obeyed what the Scriptures said, and God granted him favor. Our Father is also pleased with us when we trust in His Word. Child of God how firm are your convictions? You need firm convictions to be a godly influence. You think about that.