Touching lives with the truth of God's Word.

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Location: Birmingham, Alabama, United States

Saturday, April 01, 2006


The story is told of a rooster who arose early every morning of his life to crow. And every morning shortly thereafter, the sun would rise.
As the months and years went by, the animals of the barnyard said, “Thank you for bringing the sun up every day. We’re not worthy.” But one day, not feeling well, the rooster overslept. Yet the sun came up anyway.
“You fraud!” the animals said to the sleepy rooster. “You weren’t even out here today. Yet the sun came up anyway.”
Although at first, the rooster was embarrassed and depressed, he was eventually relieved when he realized that, because he didn’t bring the sun up, the world didn’t depend on him.
So, too, there comes a point in a believer’s life when we realize our Christian walk isn’t dependent upon us, but solely upon Jesus. May I say, happy is the day when we truly understand that our relationship with the Father has nothing to do with our attempts at being a spiritual rooster bringing the sun up. Instead, it has everything to do with admitting we would be in the dark were it not for the Son shining upon us all the days of our life.

God answers prayer.


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