Touching lives with the truth of God's Word.

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Location: Birmingham, Alabama, United States

Monday, June 22, 2009


Scripture says that God loves us, in fact Scripture says that God is love, and the cross proves it. Many believers do not experience God’s love. The problem is not with the Lord, but with the individual’s capacity to sense His care. One reason a person doesn’t experience God’s love is the tendency to measure divine love by circumstances. When the Lord allows tragedies and pain, some consider Him uncaring. The age-old question then becomes personal: “How could a loving God allow me or those I care about to suffer?” We will never fully understand His ways, but we can be sure of this: His compassion and concern are bigger that our suffering or the suffering of those we love. In the fullness of time He will make all things right. You can take that to the bank.

Sometimes a sense of personal unworthiness can obstruct the acceptance of God’s love. Focusing on past sins, comparing yourself to others, will lead to guilt and hopelessness. Satan specializes in promoting these self- condemning thoughts and feelings. Jesus never says, “Straighten up, and then I’ll care about you.” Remember that divine love is based on God’s character, not on our performance. The root of all the barriers to experiencing God’s love is unbelief. When we deny His interest and concern for us, we doubt the truth of Scripture.

Let me give you three truths about God’s love…. (1) God’s love is personal. Christianity stands out among all the world religions because our God desires a personal relationship with every man, woman, and child. His care and concern are not limited to just one ethnic group. He loves every individual specifically and desires regular, intimate conversation with each one. (2) God’s love is unconditional. Nothing about your character or behavior can make Him love you less or more. It’s who He is rather than something He does. Nor are His care and concern limited, because He is infinite and eternal. (3) God’s love is available to everyone. In John 3:16, Jesus says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” What a waste it would be to live as though unloved when God’s infinite, eternal love is offered to you. May I say, the Lord wants each of us to experience His great love in a personal, intimate way. Don’t let the Enemy’s lies or life’s hardships steal the enjoyment and security of this great blessing.