You are the light of the world--- like a city on a mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your light under a basket! Instead put it on a stand and let it shine for all. [Matthew 5:14-15]
What does it mean to let your light shine?
What does it mean to let your light shine?
- First, be willing to invest time with those in need. People today are lonely and hurting, they need someone who cares about them, and will tell them about the hope that is found in Jesus Christ alone. You can be that person, don't be afraid to reach out to others.
- Second, listen to others carefully, with an open, compassionate heart. If people can tell that you are truly interested in them, they will more than likely trust what you have to say.
- Third, admit when you are wrong. As believers, we sometimes think we need to appear holy and win every argument. An unbeliever can spot a self-righteous hypocrite a mile away. If you desire to foster a relationship with an unbeliever in order to lead that person to Christ, be humble and ready to acknowledge when you've made a mistake, for we too are sinners; the only difference is, we have been saved by grace.
- Fourth, love others unconditionally. Jesus said, "By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another" [John 13:35]. Our walk with God is to be characterized by genuine, unfailing love for those we encounter. This means we love them sacrificially just as Christ does, with forgiveness, mercy, and grace.
- Fifth, help those around you to understand that the most important relationship in life is the one they have with Jesus Christ. People are accountable to the Lord, not us. When they stand before the throne of judgment, our friendship will not be able to save them. Therefore, we must be careful to lead them to the One who forgives their sins and reconciles them to the Father. Instead of insisting that others live a life that is pleasing to us.
- Sixth, inspire others to be all they can be, and help them to recognize the Lord has a plan for their lives. When we anticipate the best for others and teach them to view their failures with grace, we provide the support they need to succeed in a manner that glorifies God.
- Seventh, spend time in God's Word and prayer, so you will understand how best to minister to others. People will observe your faithfulness by how you live. And there is no telling what an incredible impact you will have on eternity.
In Galatians 2:20, the apostle Paul affirms, "The life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me." I am confident that you will live by faith in our Lord as well. Making the most of the opportunities He gives you, to be a helping hand to others. May God richly bless you as you seek and serve Him wholeheartedly.
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