Touching lives with the truth of God's Word.

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Location: Birmingham, Alabama, United States

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

What God Says.

We say; "It's impossible." God says; "All things are possible"(Lk.18:27)
We say; "I'm too tired." God says; "I will give you rest"(Matt.11:28)
We say; "I can't do it." God says; "You can do all things"(Phil.4:13)
We say; "I'm not able." God says; "I am able"(2Cor.9:8)
We say; "It's not worth it." God says; "It will be worth it"(Rom.8:28)
We say; "Nobody really loves me." God says; "I really love you"(Jn.3:16)
We say; "I can't go on." God says; "My grace is sufficient"(2Cor.12:9)
We say; "I can't figure things out." God says; "I will direct your steps"(Prov.3:5-6)
We say; "I can't forgive myself." God says; "I forgive you"(1Jn.1:9)
We say; "I can't manage." God says; "I will supply all your needs"(Phil.4:19)
We say; "I'm afraid." God says; "I have not given you a spirit of fear"(2Tim.1:7)
We say; "I'm always worried." God says; "Cast all your cares on Me"(1Pet.5:7)
We say; "I don't have faith." God says; "My Word gives faith" (Rom.10:17)
We say; "I'm not smart enough." God says; "I will give you wisdom"(Jas.1:5)
We say; "I feel all alone." God says; "I will never leave you or forsake you"(Heb.13:5)

It is easy to get discouraged when things go wrong, but we must not lose heart. Remember God is at work in our world and He is in control. Even in the midst of pain and trial. He has promised to always be with us and to never leave us. The outline above points out that for any negative thing we say to ourselves, God has a positive answer for it. Child of God, do we not serve an awesome God? One who loves us unconditionally? Who proved His love at Calvary? This being true, we of all people should be encouraged and not discouraged, no matter what the circumstances. Give Him praise and thanksgiving today, for who He is and what He has done and will do. In Jesus' Name, Amen.