Divinely inspired, God’s Word helps us to successfully navigate the Christian life. Second Timothy 3:16 explains that “all Scripture is profitable for….”
Teaching. When we read and meditate on God’s Word, we learn more about Him. The Bible teaches how His grace and His justice intersect, and also how He placed His Son Jesus Christ on this earth as a sacrifice.
Reproof. The more we read Scripture, the better we will understand it. The Holy Spirit may then bring to mind areas of our lives that cloud our relationship with God.
Correction. The Holy Spirit wants to do more than simply convict us; He desires to correct sinful areas in our lives.
Training in righteousness. Every time we read the Scripture, God can reveal new truths to us. As we read, pray, and meditate on His Word, we slowly absorb the wisdom and knowledge of God. This is one way God’s Spirit transforms us into the image of Christ. What’s more, the Bible makes us adequate, verse 17 tells us. No matter what circumstance, trial, or tribulation we face, the truth in Scripture will help us face it effectively. And the same verse says that God’s Word equips us for every good work. The Lord doesn’t save us simply to fill a pew in church; His desire is that we spread His truth to others. Digging into God’s Word enables us to proclaim the gospel of Christ with confidence. You think about that.
Jesus told His disciples that not even a sparrow would fall without God’s consent [Matthew 10:29]. He also told Pilate, a prominent Roman official, that he was powerless to order the crucifixion without the Father’s approval [John 19:10-11]. God has always remained one-hundred percent sovereign over everything that happens, from a little bird’s safety to the extraordinary events at the cross. Child of God, peace, joy, and faithfulness to Christ comes with the realization that our Heavenly Father has perfect love, infinite wisdom, and is all powerful. When we understand who God is, we don’t have to worry about what He does.
Jesus told His disciples that not even a sparrow would fall without God’s consent [Matthew 10:29]. He also told Pilate, a prominent Roman official, that he was powerless to order the crucifixion without the Father’s approval [John 19:10-11]. God has always remained one-hundred percent sovereign over everything that happens, from a little bird’s safety to the extraordinary events at the cross. Child of God, peace, joy, and faithfulness to Christ comes with the realization that our Heavenly Father has perfect love, infinite wisdom, and is all powerful. When we understand who God is, we don’t have to worry about what He does.
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