Touching lives with the truth of God's Word.

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Saturday, September 15, 2007

The Price For Rejecting God.

Many people believe they will go to heaven because they tried to live a good life. Here is the simple truth. Those who receive Jesus Christ's gift of salvation will spend eternity with God, whereas those who refuse the gift will not. The price for rejecting Christ is separation from God for all eternity.
When a person becomes a believer, he recognizes that he is not good enough in himself to deserve anything from God. Man's sinful nature, which is characterized by rebellion against God, has alienated him from his Creator. No matter how hard a person tries, he cannot avoid sinning again, because he still has his old sin nature. However at the moment of salvation, Christ forgives all his sins, declares him no longer guilty, and gives him a brand-new nature.Therefore, if a person rejects the truth that salvation comes only through the atoning death of Jesus Christ, he has nowhere else to turn. His good works are not enough to get him into heaven, a place of sinless perfection, because his transgressions remain unforgiven. The penalty for sin is death; [Separation from God] if Christ's substitutionary sacrifice is rejected, the guilty party must pay the price himself.
These words are not meant to scare you into receiving salvation; they are a warning about what the future holds if you reject the Lord Jesus Christ. God has set before you a choice between eternal life and death: "Choose life in order that you may live....by loving the Lord your God, by obeying His voice, and by holding fast to Him" [Deuteronomy 30:19-20].


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